Tourist Time: Sevierville, TN

Seiverville, TN is only about 3.5 hours from Charlotte, so it was a pretty easy drive. Unfortunately most of the drive was through rain, so I didn’t get to see too much of the mountains, but there were a few spots where the mountains were peeking out of the tops of the clouds which really made me wish there was somewhere to pull over to take some pictures. On the drive up, I passed signs for the Forbidden Caverns and I was really tempted to stop, but I wanted to make sure I got to packet pick-up for the Santa Hustle, and it was only about a half hour from my destination, so I figured I’d head back out if I still had time. Unfortunately, once I got checked into the hotel and looked up the site online, I found out they’re closed in December, so no caverns for me this time. 

I stayed at the Wilderness at the Smokies since that was the sponsor hotel for the race and the start line was on the property. I didn’t take advantage of the water park at the resort, which seems to be the main attraction on the property, but I wasn’t overly impressed with the resort itself. I tried to eat dinner at the Hidden Trail Bar & Grill, but when I went down a little before 7:00 (they open for dinner at 5:00), I was told there would be at least a 30 minute wait for food from the kitchen. There were only 2 tables of families in the entire restaurant. I overheard staff members saying that there was only 1 person cooking and they were making food for an event going on at the hotel, so everyone in the restaurant would have to wait. I’m not 100% sure, but I also think I heard them say that everyone else who was supposed to be working was out sick… so, needless to say, I went out to dinner! I did have a nice view from my room overlooking the conference center and part of the golf course and the hotel offered a late checkout (12:00pm instead of 11:00am) for all of the runners, so it wasn’t a complete bust. Plus, as much as I hate to spend the money to be close to the start line of a race, it’s definitely been worth it the last two times I’ve ran a half marathon. The convenience of it can’t be beat!

There were all kinds of light displays throughout the city, but I didn’t get a chance to get pictures of most of them (and even the one I did get a picture of didn’t turn out great). The picture is of the Sevierville River Company and shows a boat on the water. There were also several of Old Man Winter blowing cold air at the cars on the road, snowflakes throughout town and even one with a family of three bears. 

A couple of the pictures above were taken during the Santa Hustle and are technically in Pigeon Forge. There’s the Hatfields and McCoys Dinner Show, which is right next to the Titanic Museum Attraction which has Santa and his flying pigs outside!

I could see the top of the courthouse when I drove into town, so before I left, I wandered through the side streets to get a closer look. The courthouse actually has a statue of Dolly Parton out front. The courthouse is under construction right now, but luckily I was able to find an angle to get a picture of both without all of the orange fencing in it.

Finally, on my way out of town, I stopped at the Harrisburg covered bridge. It’s not far from the main road and pretty easy to get pictures of, but it’s in a small neighborhood, so I can imagine that when the weather is nice / the leaves are changing, it could be quite difficult to find a place to park to get pictures.

Have you ever been to Sevierville? Where else should I have visited?

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One thought on “Tourist Time: Sevierville, TN

  1. Cheryl in Friendsville says:

    Your mom didn't tell me that you had started a blog. Thanks for stopping by mine and leaving a comment. Of course, I'm going to most interested in your quilting adventures, 😉 but I love all the travel notes. Drive safe on your way home for Christmas!

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